Do you remember when it was cool to be…
Not anymore.
Can you even define what cool is these days?
If you lived before the year 2000.
You’ll remember when…
Everyone wanted to fit in.
With whichever social group you belonged to.
Whether it’s the freshest suits or the cleanest sneakers
You wanted to be cool with that crowd.
However, the culture has shifted.
This is the era of…
But before I explain that…
Let’s go back in time.
If you compare 1900 – 1950
With 1950-2000
You’ll notice a distinct shift around culture
In the first half of the century.
Culture was defined at a national level.
Which means that fashion, ideas, way of being…
These were defined by either…
Top celebs or music
A lot of big brands we know today, came from this era.
Chanel, Dior, etc.
Only a small group had influence over the identity of the masses.
Then this slowly started shifting after the 1950’s.
We started seeing the emergence of segmentation.
This is where niche groups and sub-culture arose.
Which didn’t really exist before.
Still defined by music…
Like the Punks, Skaters, Goths, Disco…
But it started to open up beyond that into beliefs.
If you beliefed technology was the future.
You dressed like the Dotcom techies.
Or if you were driven by love, peace and harmony during the 70’s.
You belonged to the hippie movement and dressed accordingly.
Post 1950’ish…. it was the first time that cool…
Had more than one definition
Your sense of belonging didn’t come from the big cultural identity.
It came from belonging to a sub-culture.
Particularly for young folks.
In each of the sub-cultures… they had their own icons.
Whether it’s Marilyn Monroe, Ram Dass, NWA, etc.
They each dictated what “cool” was for their niche.
We are continuing this trend and have moved from…
Culture > Sub-Culture > Cult
The group where you feel belonging is even smaller.
People are waking up to the idea that…
“I don’t need someone else to define cool”
I have the power to define cool for myself.
People aren’t looking for a big identity to belong to anymore.
Like a religion, nation, etc.
They wan’t to belong to a smaller more nimble group.
One which organizes around a few central ideas.
Only as long as it meets one criteria….
It allows them to keep their individual identity.
This is different than previously because now you can experience belonging…
Without the sacrifice of individuality.
This has influenced the counter-swing in what being cool means.
People realize that being cool has this…
Try hard energy.
You care too much about what other people think.
And since “being cool” is no longer the price of admission to a group.
There is no longer the need to conform to fit in.
If cool is try-hard energy.
Then what conveys the exactly opposite?
Being anti-cool
Wear the ugliest shoes.
Try the weirdest things
Crocs, Yeezys, Mom Jeans, Dad Bod, New Balance’s…
These are “Anti-Cool” fashion statements.
It’s not just in fashion either.
Look at media these days.
Every now shows the microphone in the video.
There was a time that this was taboo.
But now… anti-cool is cool.
The hidden message behind this is…
“We know there is a microphone, don’t try too hard to hide it”
This shift is happening because people desire realness.
The flaw of “cool” is that it is exclusive.
It designates a norm and everyone that operates outside of it
It’s ostracized
“You’re not cool if you don’t look this way.”
“You can’t sit with us” vibes.
Not only does the “anti-cool” movement take your power back.
It’s inclulsive.
Because literally everyone is welcome.
Everyone who follows their own authority rather than a trend.
When it comes to being anti-cool.
Everyone might not be able to put together a Rodeo drive type of outfit.
But they sure as hell can put together a wacky tacky day kind of outfit.
The whole theme behind this concept and so many others emerging this days is…
People truly desire to be authentic in their lives.
So they are cutting the cord on all the ways they gave it up.
Social norms sound great, and there are benefits.
But at the end of the day…
The hidden cost of social norms is authenticity.
For a long time it was taboo for a black person…
To wear their hair as an afro to the workplace.
To this day…
Black women still don’t wear natural hair as often as they should.
This is the ultimate sacrfice of social norms.
When pushed too far…
They will ask that you deny the very essence of you.
Which for some people…
It’s a price they’re no longer willing to pay.
If you want to be cool these days…
You don’t need the latest sneakers…
Or the most up to date slang.
Cool is a vibe.
It’s an energy you give off when you’re authentic.
Whether you’re the mad scientist…
Or the eclectic artist…
If you’re living authentically in your energy.
People can feel that aura.
Even tho they might not look like you…
They’ll gravitate to you.
Just by the mere fact that you’re confident enough to be yourself.
You know we have a long way to go in the world…
When being yourself takes confidence.
If enough people gather the courage to be true to who they are.
The world will become a reflection of that.
Because in the core of every person is…
It’s the frequency of the universe.
The only reason our world doesn’t look like it.
Is because we aren’t reflect that light which shines within us.
Crimes against humanity aren’t defined by laws.
They happen when you kidnap who you were meant to be.
And sell it for…
Who you were told to be.

Written by : Jamal
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