Are you a smart person? Here’s why smart people fail…
Intelligence is a vital skill, but it after a certain point, it becomes your own enemy.
Are you a smart person?
Maybe you’re on a self healing journey too.
Here’s the trap…
That I see smart people typically fall into.
It’s the trap of intellectualizing your emotions.
Rather than feeling them.
What does that mean?
When a smart person wants to heal. They make an effort to understand the problem.
They read books.
They go to talk therapy.
It leads them to the belief that they are processing their emotions.
Because they have learned the rational components of what is happening.
They focus on the logical part of the problem.
“I am this way because”
➥ My parents didn’t love me
➥ I experienced a traumatic event
➥ My environment was rough
What happens as a result of intellectualizing their emotion is detachment.
You maintain a safe distance from your emotions…
As a defense mechanism.
Instead of actually jumping in the murky waters to rescue yourself.
You’re sitting on the side yelling…
“You’re drowning! Did you know that? Try swimming, it will help”
When you jump in the murky waters to save yourself.
You feel it.
The coldness, the yuckiness, all of it.
That’s the key difference.
Think of it this way….
If you were a child and a parent came to you and said…
“I know you’re sad but it’s okay.”
How would that feel versus….
A hug?
To truly release the emotion, you don’t need to think about it.
You need to feel it.
This is why many who partake in Psychedelics say it’s like years of therapy in one night.
What happens is…
They go back to core memories and feel things that they repressed.
It’s an emotional process.
They come back lighter because…
The decades of emotional baggage is released.
Be careful of existing in “love and light”.
It can often lead to blocking negative emotions.
It’s important to feel all of the emotions, even the negative ones.
➥ The frustration
➥ The sense of lack
➥ The disappointment
When you give yourself the permission to feel it all.
You restore flow in the body by allowing the pressure to release.
This is how you transmute energy into something higher.
Because when those emotions are trapped…
They are trapped in the body.
🧠 Your mind stores the thoughts
🦵🏽Your body stores the emotions
Trapped emotions cause physical problems.
It’s an act of rejecting life.
Life comes with all kinds of emotions and experiences.
Which are meant to pass through you.
But once you start holding on, and not giving emotions an outlet.
That’s when you stop living.
You are denying life, trying to say.
No I don’t want that.
Until eventually…
There is no more life left.
You have demanded that life only shows up in one narrow experience.
When it comes to processing emotions.
You will know it’s working because your life will start changing.
You might lose weight… or release chronic pain.
Because the emotional energy is no longer trapped in the body.
You might also find your life improve in other ways.
Because the energy can now flow to higher chakras.
Maybe energy is flowing to your throat chakra and you are finally speaking your voice.
Or your pineal now has energy to talk to spirit.
Most of us…
Just think way too much.
And I’m one of them.
But make a conscious effort to feel more.
It will be hard at first… and you might feel a little crazy.
Day by day tho…
Your life will slowly start to become more and more…