How’s your breathing?
How is your breathing?
We focus a lot on diet, nutrition and other forms of energy management.
But largely ignore the breath and it’s key role in vitality.
Do you know how to breath right?
Because most of society doesn’t.
They are either mouth breathers, or shallow breathing.
When you breathe this way.
You rob yourself of the vital life force energy.
The lungs are huge…
They have a ton of capacity and most people only use about 1/7th of that capacity.
That’s 1/7th of your power potential!
When more oxygen comes into the body…
All the cells get more nourished and it strengthens the entire nervous system.
Your senses get heightened…
You become more aware of the subtle energies.
When you retain the breath…
You allow more time for the blood to unload it’s waste and absorb more oxygen.
Your breathing is like a train schedule.
If you’re rushing the trains in and out of the station.
There’s not enough time to load and unload passengers
Same goes with your breath.
The more rushed that it is. The less time you have to charge the system.
In a lot of ways…
Common struggles like anxiety are tied to the breath.
Imagine this…
If you were chased by a tiger right now?
How would your breathing be?
Short and shallow…
Probably through the mouth.
This is a fight-or-flight state of breathing.
When you’re anxious… you tend to do the same thing.
Often holding your breath and rushing it.
In the Tantric Yoga practices…
Breathing correctly is one of the core pillars, it’s called Pranayama.
And it is seen as a fundamental process of vitality.
It’s one of the most important things you could focus on.
We know your body is run by energy but we greatly misunderstand all the ways this energy is cultivated.
It’s not just about food.
That is a small way we get fueled.
Subtle energy is the real source of vitality and practices like breathwork are the way to build it.
If you’re not doing this already…
Focus on becoming conscious of your breath.
In every moment of the day.
Learn to extend your breathing and use the diaphragm in the process.
When you start breathing with the diaphragm first, and then continue to fill the upper parts of the lungs.
You are beginning to use the rest of your lung capacity.
Pull the breath deep down into your abdomen.
Slow it down….
Hold a little…
Then release.
Over time you might start tingling through your body in the process.
Almost like an electrical feeling.
This is the vital energy flowing through you.
Cultivate it.