If I had a Neurodivergent kid

By Published On: August 13, 2024

Since my recent posts on Autism/ADHD and…

Psychic powers.

I’ve talked to many folks that are Neurodivergent.

Or their children/grandchildren are.

It inspired me to make a quick post about ND children.

Here’s 9 things I would do…

As a parent of a ND child.

Quick disclaimer…

This is my opinion.

I’m not a professional.

Nor am I a parent.

You might think my overly simplistic ideas lack real world experience of having a neurodivergent child.

You might be right…

But that doesn’t mean there’s not something to learn and modify.

With that said…

Here’s what I’d do first.

This one is a tough one, because as adults we believe we’re supposed to be in charge.

And when it comes to keeping the child safe and so on…

We should be in charge

However, I think we often overstep the boundary.

This is why I would let the child lead.

I’d treat it like they are the expert…

And I’m just the consultant.

Although I have final say and veto power.

I’d use my best to rarely use it.

I’d want them to take autonomy over discovering what they like and what they don’t like.

Bedtime routines, eating habits, etc.

Which means my job is to make sure that I set up situations so they can actually learn and discover.

I have to close the gap between their actions and the consequences.

So they can directly experience their preferences…

Without me intervening.

I would try my best not to teach directly, but almost be like their higher self.

By creating scenarios and containers for the lessons to happen.

Think of the energetic body like a battery.

There is a positive and negative terminal. The negative terminal is meant to discharge the flow of energy.

Without a negative terminal.

The charge would stay in the battery and it would explode.

It’s the same with people.

If you’re running a higher amount of power, as I believe Neurodivergents are.

It’s even more important to discharge it.

There are two really good places to discharge.

I would make sure to get them out into nature. Touching grass, walking barefoot, and making friends with the trees. Every day all day

The other good place to discharge is into the stillness. That means silence, meditation, no movement, etc. I know how difficult this is, especially with neurodivergent kids. Which is why I’d prioritize it a lot.

First, by setting a good example.

Because kids do what you do, not what you say.

It’s important that they watch me and we have a ritual of time carved out in the mornings to do it…

It’s not important that they’re good at it.

That will come later.

It’s only important to create the ritual.

3 | BODY
Neurodivergents are often extremely sensitive.

That’s where their super power comes from.

Which means they have a lot of emotions.

I’d make sure there is plenty of space for the child’s emotions and cultivate practices that focus on them having a relationship with their body.

These my vary from kung fu type exercises…

Which focus on teaching them to push their body to exhaustion.

Often when we are the most emotional is when we hit our limits.

So these exercise are to safely push them to their limits.

So the big emotions can enter.

And then…

Allow them the space to become friends with these big emotions.

I’d also incorporate other things for the body that are more flowly and energetic.

Like Yoga or Tai Chai.

Kung Fu type stress tests are the masculine way

Yoga and Tai Chai would be the feminine way.

Both to help them develop body awareness.

I think a part of what creates the chaos for Neurodivergents…

Is the body not being in an optimal state.

It prevents the flow of energy.

Which then causes that high powered battery…

To overheat.

I would focus on good gut health and make sure to cleanse their body of things like parasites and heavy metals.

This is the baseline for everything else.

They’d likely eat similar to the way I do, which is primarily fruits.

No processed junk whatsoever.

This is a big one.

I would not be teaching them in a classroom.

I would be teaching them in nature.

Am I teaching math?

Let’s count the trees.

I would translate every core teaching into something they can self discover with nature.

Which allows nature to be their classroom instead of a four walls.

And… similar to other points I mentioned.

I would structure the lessons in a way that they happen through self discovery.

I want them to be their teacher instead of someone else, even me.

I want teach them that they already have the answers.

It’s just about knowing where to look and what to ask.

This would be the foundation for them to develop…

Intuition and psychic abilities later in life.

Magick, psychic powers, or whatever you want to call it.

Is born from having good intuition…

And good imagination.

I would make sure they have a rich inner world and give them exercises to cultivate their imagination and visualization.

Imaginary friends are welcome here.

This one is probably the most controversial.

But I probably would not have them tapping into the left brain processes until about age 7.

As far as I can gather you shut off spiritual access if you try to do it before then.

I want them to live in the right brain for as long as needed.

It’s my job to make sure that’s possible.

You might think this would stunt the kid.


There are many examples out there where parents waited to teach theirs kids to read, write, etc.

With success.

Just like the first point… let them lead.

I would teach them when they are ready and desire to learn.

I would also pay a lot of attention to the frequencies that they’re subject too.

It’s hard to get a control of it these days with so many signals around us.

And for many it’s not feasible to retreat out into nature.

But I’d remove as many harmful frequencies as I could.

Moving away from cell towers and power lines…

While making these small changes in the home.

➥ Candles instead of lights
➥ Incandescent lights instead of LED
➥ Essential oils instead of perfumes
➥ Natural fabrics instead of synthetic fibers
➥ Wired Internet vs wireless
➥ Homeopathy vs Allopathy

Lastly… I would teach them the power of inquiry.

I want to train them to ask good and deep questions.

I will rarely give them an answer.

Only guide them to answer it themselves.

By showing them different perspectives and answers that are available…

Beyond what they are currently aware of.

I believe the question why is one of the most important ones…

And I would focus a lot on teaching them how to ask it.

Recently I found out…

That’s exactly who I was as a child.

The picture you see attached to this post is actually my book I found the other day.

I wrote it when I was a kid.

I remember my questions used to annoy others when I was a kid.

Now I’ve learned it has become a gift.

Don’t be annoyed when your kids ask why.

Just like you once did…

They want to know.


Thanks for reading.

I hope you’ve found at least one thing…

That makes a difference.


Written by : Jamal

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