If time doesn’t actually exist, what does?
Then what does…
What creates the sequence of events..
That you experience as time?
The answer is…
When you use a clock…
Or a calendar…
Is it for predicting the future?
My guess is probably not.
So what is it useful for ?
They’re useful in the same way that mile markers are useful on the highway.
They let you know what part of the sequence…
That you are in.
Because everything has a pattern.
Ever day includes darkness, sunrise, midday, evening and sunset.
Every year includes four seasons.
Clocks and calendars are external tools to remind you of what energies are available…
For this moment in “time”.
Life depends on this awareness.
Crops will only grow… when there’s certain energy available.
But these are just obvious examples.
Recognize that every system…
Has a cycle.
Your body has cycles…
➥ Breathing — in and out breaths
➥ Sleep — deep sleep, REM, etc
➥ Sex — foreplay, orgasm, rest
The economy follows cycles.. they’re called business cycles.
The crypto market has a cycle.
The moon has a cycle.
Overstand that everything works in rhythms
When it comes to peak performance…
Often it’s less about the skill…
And more about your ability to flow with the cycle.
Right place at the right time kinda thing.
If you want to get good at something…
You’ll get far by focusing on rhythm.
But it’s often the last step people learn.
Ever seen an older person on the basketball court that’s really good?
They don’t have the energy like the young guys.
So how do they keep up?
They become much more observant of the rhythm in the game…
They know the cycles.
And instead of wasting their energy…
Chasing after every steal or hustling for every shot.
They strike at the time in the cycle when the energy is synchronized.
Take Kobe Bryant.
He wasn’t better than everyone because of how good he could dribble..
Or shoot…
It’s because he understood rhythm.
He always knew when and where to do what.
Based on where in the basketball sequence he was in.
Both the macro cycles like quarters and halves…
But also the micro cycles like pushing the basket, shooting and defense.
This is what separates the greats from the mediocre…
In everything.
You’ll notice that when you watch people develop in a skill or ability.
One of the main factors of growth is…
Every investor…
Every athlete…
Every ladies man…
Every [insert here]
They usually become patient over time.
And the main reason for this is…
Because they separated their ego attachment.
Which desires to be rich, successful, accomplished, a winner.
And instead…
They start showing for the love of the game.
When you let go of this attachment… to the end result.
You create space for patience and the natural flow to re-enter your life.
I believe…
This is one of the top skills you should focus on developing.
Learn to be patient enough to observe natural cycles… and then flowing into them.
Because there are so many that we follow…
➥ Fiat cycles
➥ Life cycles
➥ Lunar cycle
➥ Sleep cycle
➥ Biorhythms
➥ Conversation
➥ Business cycles
➥ Spiritual journey
➥ Astrological cycles
➥ Eating and fasting cycles
➥ Government decline cycles
When you become attuned to these…
You become the prophet…
The fortune teller.
Not because you can see the future.
But because you understand how energy flows.
And time…
Is simply a measurement for the flow of…
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