Is society missing a divine order of woman?

By Published On: May 29, 2024

Society needs a divine order of women. Not feminist women.

But women who understand the natural order of life.

The can feel the energy between all things and are in tune with the spiritual realm.

With this inner knowing…

Their gift is to guide and inspire masculinity.

Not from the brain, but from the heart.

They inspire masculinity to create things that matter.

Things with meaningpurpose and true beauty.

Overstand that masculine energy is the impulse to create.

The desire to give form to things.

To build.

To destroy.

You can see this at a young age with boys.

They love legos.

It helps them put their strengths to practice.

However, when boys become men. Without proper divine feminine guidance.

They will create, but not from the spirit.

Instead, they will create from the ego.

Just as you see in major cities today.

Skyscrapers full of phallic symbols to signify the importance of those building it.

Where are the curves? Where is the beauty?

We build for the sake of profits, efficiency and bottom line.

This is masculinity, which is out of harmony.

Do you know what is also masculinity out of harmony?


When cells continue to multiply without concern of anything else.

This imbalanced energy is a cancer in every place you look.

➥ Our cities
➥ Our planet
➥ Our bodies
➥ Our systems

All over these need an overhaul.

But, don’t get confused.

The enemy is not masculinity

It’s that we have an absence of true femininity.

The divine version.

That doesn’t desire to compete with a man, but instead desires to inspire a man.

That kind of energy is what we need more of.

Right now…

I believe there are many women who feel the call.

They sense the imbalance in energy and feel pulled to help restore the balance.

To detach from corporatism

And pursue creationism.

If this is you, and you feel the call.

Pick up the phone.

Because the time is here.

Where the collective is yearning for new ways.

New systems.

Masculine energy will build it but…

It’s the feminine energy that will help us build it right.

With love first.


“The king may rule the kingdom, but it’s the queen who moves the board.”
– D.M. Timney

— —

Twitter @_seekinggnosis

Written by : Jamal

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