Know Your Water Pt. 1 – Does Your Water Have Consciousness?

By Published On: May 29, 2024

I think learning about water…

Could be the most important thing we do as a society right now. Because I believe the way we look at water today.. Is how we looked at cigarettes 50 years ago.

It’s not enough to just avoid Fluoride.

Or stop drinking tap water.

Water has life.

Water is life


No Water No Life

Know Water Know Life

So let’s deep dive into the consciousness of water.

There’s a couple points I want to touch on through this, which are:







Are you ready? Let’s go…

| 1 | What is consciousness?

In order to more deeply understand water, and if it has consciousness. We have to think about what consciousness might be exactly.

The definition of consciousness is:

“The state of being aware of and responsive to one’s surroundings.”

There are other factors that you might include to consider something conscious, like…

➥ Free Will

➥ Memory

➥ Emotions

➥ Communication

And we’ll see if we can explore some of those things too…

| 2 | Water and Intention

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work has gathered a lot of attention over the years and he is one of the pioneers in the conversation to consider the sentience of water.

His experiments showed that human thoughts and intention, could effect water. He would look at the crystalline structures that formed under a microscope and what he found was…

When negative vibrations were sent, either through:

➝ Negative words

➝ Negative music

➝ Or negative structures (tap water)

The water would form destructive crystal patterns that lacked coherence or beauty.

In the opposite way…

When positive intent was communicated. Beautiful and coherent crystalline structures would form.

Reflecting on our definition of consciousness…

This demonstrates that water, is in some way, responsive to its surroundings.

Now, on to the next question to understand water…

Does water have memory?

Or can it communicate…

| 3 | Does water have memory ?

Veda Austin is an incredible water researcher who has done well over 40,000 photographs in her work. Capturing the effect of water showcasing its ability to show memory, and also creativity.

In her work…

She and her students take petri dishes and partially fill them with water. They then freeze the water but not all the way. She waits until it gets to the “Fourth Phase of Water” (More on that in a minute)

What she finds is that the water attempts to recreate images through her various techniques.

Some of those are:

➛ Playing music around the water

➛ Putting something into the water

➛ Leaving an image under the water

➛ Asking the water a question directly

What’s interesting about this is not only does the water recreate the image… It doesn’t do it exactly. Which exposes something… This means that the water isn’t copying the image, through some thermal or similar effect.

The water is attempting to recreate the image. In an artistic way.

In another example..

When playing the song stairway to heaven near the water, the water froze in the image of a stairway…

Fascinating stuff….

So what is this fourth phase of water?

| 4 | The Fourth Phase of Water

Dr. Gerald Pollack is another pioneer in the water research space. Who brought a lot of attention to the fourth phase of water that was originally theorized over 100 years ago.

Everyone is familiar with the first three phases:

➛ Liquid

➛ Vapor

➛ Solid

The fourth phase, exists between the liquid and solid.

When water is in the process of freezing… But has not completely frozen. It’s not in liquid state. Where it’s rapidly updating it’s information But also not yet solid… Where the information is frozen and unchanging.

This fourth phase has significance because, the water has more energy and charge. It essentially has more life in it…

Which, brings more life to you.

You ever used a Gameboy?

With dying batteries and the screen would dim?

That’s you with shitty water.


We’ve set the foundation to explore if water has consciousness. It certainly meets some of the mile markers we’ve established so far. But I wouldn’t take anyones word for it.

Check out Veda’s website…

Do your own experiments.

Build your own knowing.

| 5 | Religious and Historical Aspects

One more idea I want to touch on… Is the historical and religious perspectives of water. Most of the world religions have already talked about the significance of water. Suggesting that not only is water consciousness. But it’s everything.

Consciousness… Is water.

In Kemeticism… Which is likely the seed of much of the worlds wisdom today… They talk about creation coming from the primordial waters called Nun. It’s the vast abyss from which everything emerged. It’s the beginning…

In the bible… We have this quote…

“And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.” — Genesis 1:7

In the Qur’an… We have these quotes…

Allah has created every moving creature from water. So, some of them move on their bellies; and some of them move on two legs, and some of them move on four. Allah creates what He wills. Surely, Allah is powerful over everything. (24:45)

— —

Are the disbelievers not aware that the heavens and the earth used to be joined together and that We ripped them apart, that We made every living thing from water? Will they not believe? (21:30)

Both Hinduism and Buddhism have many references to water as well. They are filled with connections of water to the divinity and purity.

You see?

We’ve been told since the beginning of time the importance of water. When we look for life on other “planets”.

We’re looking for… WATER

There’s so much more to understand about water, and we’re just scratching the surface…

| 6 | The Future of Water

I think we’re going to continue advancing our knowledge of water in the future. It has the possibility of becoming a new tech.


The first computers, were terrible at generating images, storage capacity and all kinds of stuff. Eventually we refined it to where they are today. I think we’re seeing the beginnings…

Of what water is capable of. And if we continue to refine we’ll learn to use water as:

  • A storage medium
  • To unlock memories of the past
  • A tool to access consciousness like the internet

The potential of water is infinite.

“New Agers” like to say we’re headed into…

The Age of Aquarius

There’s a lot of new wisdom rapidly unlocking in the world right now.

Tartaria, the composition of the earth, ancient tech, etc.

Are these, ancient memories coming to us….

Through water?

Aquarius being the water bearer…

Are the melting icecaps unlocking a millennia of memories locked up in water? And releasing all that data into the universal consciousness? Interesting thing to think about…

But for now…

What we do know is by volume, your body is 70% water…

But by molecular weight… it’s actually 99% water.

There is water all around you.

In your body, in the air, in the environment. If water is life and our water is polluted… Then our mind, body and spirits are polluted.

Purify your life when it comes to water.

What you drink, how you shower, the water that goes into the foods, the water in your air.

Become conscious about it. And make it a priority.

I hope you found this an interesting expansion on our collective thinking of water through some other great minds.

I hope you enjoyed my first Medium post…

Thanks for reading.

Written by : Jamal

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