The magic of willpower
Have you every heard of Aleister Crowley?
Referred to as “the wickedest man in the world”
If he was so wicked.
What draws so many people in to his work?
I don’t know much about Crowley…
And I haven’t yet read his books.
But he was on to something when it comes to Magic.
He believed…
“Magic is the Science and Art of causing change to occur in conformity with Will.”
He defined the process of magic as.
Intention that is in harmony…
With the fundamental essence of the individual’s Higher Self.
And also in full accord with natural or cosmic law.
That looks like three principles to me
1️⃣ Magic means using your will to make change
2️⃣ Magic must be in harmony with higher self
3️⃣ Magic must align to natural and cosmic laws
Now let’s unpack this.
What principles can you take from the “woo-woo” of magic…
And use them to improve your life?
The first thing is understanding change.
The only thing constant in the Universe is change.
Doesn’t it makes sense that…
If we were to imagine how magic would appear to the unwise…
It would be some sort of mimicry of nature’s laws?
Magic makes you appear godlike.
And to appear godlike is to use your Will to create changes.
Whether it’s Pyrokinesis and changing something into fire.
Or manipulating gravitational fields through levitation.
They are just as magical as…
Changing your bank account from $0 net worth… to $1 Million
I mean…
Back in the day, fire was probably considered magic.
And today…
Technology would look magical to someone 500 years ago.
And tomorrow’s magic…
Will be no different.
It will simply be the ability to change the state of things in accordance with nature’s laws
➥ Levitation
➥ Astral living
➥ Teleportation
➥ Transmutation
These concepts are the Magic of the future
Built on definitions from the past.
Let me ask you this…
What separates these people?
➥ A millionaire
➥ A homeless person?
➥ A person who can levitate
The answer is..
If your life doesn’t look how you’d like it to.
Does Will have anything to do with it?
Maybe you don’t have magic because…
Someone else’s Will is imposing on yours.
Know that…
The world is created in such a way that it sabotages you into undermining…
How capable your Magic is.
How influential… your Will is.
The homeless epidemic in it’s most basic sense…
Is a lack of willpower, alignment and know how.
If you don’t have the willpower to manifest shelter.
You can’t have the willpower to manifest a mansion.
You won’t accomplish either of those…
If you don’t know how to do it.
But your life isn’t just about shelter…
Once you have that, there are other things that make your life feel imbalanced too.
Like family, community, governments, etc.
A harmonious balance with these things also takes Magic.
It’s an act of Will to change them.
Think about Ghandi.
He challenged the British empire not with weapons or armies.
But with Will.
He used his willpower, combined with the natural law of love
In order to manifest the change we remember him for.
To address the elephant in the room.
Willpower is complicated.
I’m not saying you can wake up tomorrow and Will yourself into being a millionaire.
Willpower doesn’t work like that.
Willpower is a form of energy.
The battery is your willpower.
Your Will is the charge
If you put dead batteries in your gameboy.
It’ll never turn on.
This isn’t the case because batteries (willpower) don’t work.
It’s just that you lack the Will (charge) to power the gameboy.
This leads us to the last idea…
How can you charge the batteries?
Well.. this happens through…
Rituals are a process as old as time.
And there’s a reason for it.
Rituals are a way for you to focus your Will.
By bringing your consciousness into the same state of coherence every time.
Going back to the Gameboy example.
If you want the dead batteries to work in your Gameboy.
You have to go through the ritual of charging them.
When you look at your life, most things you do…
Have a ritual
Think about going to the Gym.
Doesn’t it start with your intention?
Then you get ready by putting on your…
Gym clothes (ceremonial robe).
Then you get to the gym (altar) and perform your ritual (stretch, cardio, etc)
Do you see the Magical process now?
The intention created the ritual and the ritual helped create the magic.
All through an act of Will.
That’s magic in it’s simplest form.
Not as woo-woo as it seems is it?
The “Magician”
Isn’t the one muttering incantations.
It might look like the guy with the 6 pack abs.
Who uses rituals and understanding of the universe to evoke change.
They know how to direct their Will towards certain rituals for success.
➥ Exercises
➥ Eating habits
➥ Workout routines
A classical magician might…
Put on robes, light candles, and draw chalk circles on the ground.
But if we extract why this process works…
They have Will… and powerful rituals.
Now when you look at your life…
What are your rituals?
Binge eating, social media scrolling, partying….
You are practicing the rituals of confusion.
This is a part of why you feel dis-ease.
You are missing a core component of Magic.
Let’s refer back…
“Intention that is in harmony with the fundamental essence of the individual’s Higher Self. ”
The confusion is arising from your intentions not being aligned with your higher self.
Your ritual is working…
You just don’t like the result.
If you want a different life…
It’s going to take an act of Will.
You’re going to need new rituals to get there.
This suggestion is no different than any self help book on the market.
These ideas are common because they work.
And they work because they are…
“In full accord with natural or cosmic law. ”
Every generation we get a fancy new way of packaging old ideas.
But it’s not the packaging we should be obsessed with.
It’s nature.
As far as we can tell.
The Universe hasn’t changed it’s rules in the last few hundred years.
Which means history is littered with clues about how it operates.
If you spend a little time trying to…
Unlock the secrets to the Universe.
You’ll unlock the secrets to yourself.
Because of one simple rule.
As Above
So Below
Going back to the second part of Aleister’s description of magic.
There is a requirement that your Will must be…
“In accordance with the order of nature”
Based on what we know about the universe and even more-so now with quantum physics.
The ability to be telepathic, levitate or even teleport.
Do not break the laws of nature.
Therefore ultimately… they are possible.
We just don’t have enough willpower to do it.
Nor do we know exactly how to apply this willpower to do it.
But that’s not even the goal here…
If we want to turn society into anything better than this bottomless pit of despair it’s turning in to
This starts with the willpower to do the basics
➥ Assymetry of power
➥ Addiction
➥ Hunger
➥ Fear
If you don’t have the individual Will to use your magic to make a difference.
There will never be enough collective magic to manifest the mansion
Magic is not science.
It’s process and understanding.
Science is obsessed with the why something happened.
Magic is too…
But more importantly it’s focused on the…
What do I want to happen.
So while we can’t explain why some of these things work.
The bigger question is…
What works?
And rituals work combined with your willpower… works