The world is waiting on you to change
Don’t believe the world is going to change?
That’s because we’re waiting on you.
Changing isn’t coming from a savior entering stage left on a white horse.
It’s comes because of every day people like you.
Who find the courage to…
Take the leap of faith.
And break free from mental slavery.
These are the Harriet Tubmans of the modern world.
Building our version of the underground railroad.
By leaving old systems of control…
To help build new systems of hope.
And behind them they create tunnels of opportunity.
For new dreamers to walk through.
There’s already several places you’ll see this taking place.
◎ Doctors…
Are starting to transition to holistic medicine, frequency healing and other energetic based systems. Becoming the healers they always were.
◎ Finance…
Crypto isn’t for the radical anymore. Bros from the old world and TradFi are starting to making the transition into a financial system that takes care of the majority instead of the minority.
◎ Legal…
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), smart contracts, blockchain, and other crypto based tools are creating systems of agreement without as much reliance on trust.
◎ Education…
Teachers are shifting out of indoctrinated systems and embracing home schooling dynamics. Publishing their lesson plans and helping parents take sovereignty over education.
All of these systems and more… are transforming right in front of you.
If you still have on the old world glasses on…
You may not see it yet
But change is in motion.
When you look in history…
Major changes happened because of a few groups of people.
The Pioneers
There were pioneers who went first, and dreamed up a new world.
Whether it’s the first settlers in America…
Or the first settlers of the Internet.
They had a dream, and the courage to go after it.
Everything always begins with a dream and…
These are the ones who pave the way for others to do something different.
But they needed help…
The Builders
These are the ones who see the vision and like where it’s headed.
They believe in the blueprints and have the tools to build the prototypes.
Much of our builder era, started with the internet.
Which welcomed new tools of salvation.
It’s not without flaws…
But it serves as a platform to build something new.
Based off the vision created by generations before us.
Like those that pioneered the hippie movement in the 70s.
Who dreamt up a world of… Love
Something more harmonious.
Now… we have a vision and working prototypes.
But what we need is users.
And that’s where we are arriving to today.
The Advocators
These are the ones who’ve seen the vision and used the prototypes.
While they come last…
That doesn’t make them unimportant.
It’s because of them that a system goes from a club, to a country.
Most of you reading this… are probably in this group.
It’s okay if you don’t have the vision…
Or you can’t build it either.
What’s important is that you see the vision, and you live it.
Treat your attention like currency and direct it to the things you believe in.
All it takes…
Is a little bit of courage.
Courage to say no… to the shiny objects.
Which are dangled in front of you like carrots.
To manipulate your will and compliance in your own mental prison.
Courage to say no… to the things that help you…
But require the exploitation of others somewhere else.
Escaping this mental prison is like destroying the Death Star.
It has one fatal flaw.
It can only hold you hostage… if you give it permission.
This mental prison…
Is a prison of compliance.
It only works if you give it your time, money and attention.
Only when enough people decide to free their mind…
And resist the bait that convinces you to comply.
We can architect a new reality.
So…. dare to be great.
And have the courage to be different.
And in the great words of Morpheus
Free your mind…