Why people hit rock bottom

By Published On: May 29, 2024

Amongst many on the journey of life. Their success journey often involves a dark period of hitting rock bottom. Why is this so necessary for some people?

It’s because… they don’t see the signs.

If you pay attention… usually…

Life will signal to you when a shift is needed.

There are warning signs given to you all along the way to rock bottom.

You just ignore them.

It will manifest as resistance, roadblocks, etc.

Which will increase more and more over time.

Usually meaning one of two things…

1️⃣ Your relationship with that thing needs to evolve.
2️⃣ You need to move on from that thing.


Because this requires a shift, that moves you outside of your comfort zone.

You resist it.

You’ve decided you’re going to ride this ship down until it sinks.

That’s when the Universe is usually going to…

Force your hand.

It’ll create a life event that’s meant to help you…

But you might not see it that way in the moment.

It could be:

➥ Getting fired
➥ Sudden injury
➥ Life changing obstacle
➥ Relationship suddenly ending

Whatever it is…

It’s a moment that drastically changes your course and forces you to separate from that thing…


If you don’t give in and take the opportunity.

That’s when you hit rock bottom.

Which is where you’ll be until you decide to change.


If you took action on the signals way before…

It’s a lot more pain-free.

It’s like seeing the construction sign up ahead.

And taking a detour.

Because when you sense the resistance and the signal that change is needed.

You can pre-plan to do something different

This is done by actively choosing…

How you will perceive the changes.

When you choose to recognize the changing seasons as…

An opportunity for expansion.

Not a limitation.

You will understand that it is time to adapt and integrate.

In life…

Whenever you sense a change in energy coming.

Find out what this new energy is asking of you…

Does it want you to:

➥ Learn a new skill?
➥ Experience a new place?
➥ Embrace certain emotions?
➥ Stand up for yourself?
➥ Stand up for others?

This is how you get into flow with life.

When an obstacle is placed in a river…

Either the water flows around it…

Or the flow stops.

If the flow stops…

You know what happens on one side?

The pressure builds up.

Until the pressure is so high that it bursts through the dam.

Don’t wait for the pressure to build in your life.

Because eventually it will need an outlet.

And you may not always like…

How it chooses to express itself.

Written by : Jamal

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