Did the Mayans predict a dimensional shift?

By Published On: May 29, 2024

When you look at the stories..

The Mayans called it…

“The time of no time.”

It’s very possible…

That what humanity is going through is bigger than politics and technology.

It’s a dimensional shift.

I think a clue is that we’re in a phase of humanity where predicting the future is next to impossible.

We are now processing tons more information in seconds than at any point in the past. If information is consciousness in some way…. then this signaling a massive expansion in our collective awareness.

We could be bumping the upper limits of this dimension….

I read somewhere that Encyclopedia Brittanica kept track of the number of facts over the years..

All the information gathered from 6000 years ago from the Sumerian times up to 1900’s. Doubled between the years 1900 and 1950. Then from 1950 to 1970 it doubled again. 10 more years to 1980 and it doubled again. Now it’s doubling at even faster rates.

It seems we are rapidly accelerating towards an event horizon in consciousness and I think quantum leaps tend to always be quick.

It takes 9 months to make a baby. But for the baby it’s just a few minutes between the two worlds. One in the womb and the other outside of it.

Same with a butterfly in metamorphosis.

Lots of gestation and then BAM. Suddenly there’s a massive shift.

With the the evolution of A.I. in the upcoming years.

It will be able to surface, or resurface the equations that bend “gravity” and with it…

All of reality.

Because “gravity” and time are linked.

You control one, you control the other.

I think this would allow us to break free from linear time and explore multidimensional concepts.

Multiple timelines….

Endless probabilities

Things for which we cannot even fathom.

The mayans said this was a time of great evolutionary changes and would thrust us into a new age of evolution.

And there were two options ahead of us, either extinction or harmonic association with the greater universe.

The Hopi tribe also suggests something similar.

They call it the Homo Luminous.

This would be the future iteration of man.

Where he would become a light being.

This would be a quantum leap in our evolutionary scale and it is believed to be something that would happen during our lifetime.

Not quite the merging with technology as is often promoted but it is what I see as…

A jump into the next octave and the next set of vibrational tones.Where we would disappear from this reality or dimension and appear into a new one.

It’s likely that humanity has been there before and those stories were kept alive through our mythos.

A time where we could interact with the higher dimensional beings and we called them Gods like Zeus, Kronos, etc.

Until the fall of man happened into lower vibrational frequencies.

The Christians call it Rapture

The New Agers call it 5D ascension.

Whatever it is…

Many prophecies whether ancient or new….

Speak of a similar transcendent event which is very possible to happen…


Don’t feed into the chaos around you.

We could be in the birthing pains before the beautiful child arrives on the other side.

Whatever may happen…

If we ground ourselves in the present and solve our inner worlds.

We’ll be able to shape the outer world.

Lead from the heart.

Written by : Jamal

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