You don’t want to be a mouth breather…

By Published On: May 29, 2024

But some studies show…

80% of the population breathes wrong in some way.

You probably heard that mouth breathing causes deformities in the face.

But what is actually happening?

Why is this a problem?

The underlying issue is that…

You are not charging your body correctly with Pranic energy.

Let me explain.

There’s three principle energies in the universe.

The masculine and feminine.

As well as a third, central energy which they always revolve around.

Your body works the same way.

It pulls in these two energies through the breath and directs it towards the perineum.

When this energy is perfectly balanced…

Over time, it rises up the spine to the head.

This is what is referred to as a Kundalini awakening.

When this energy is not properly gathered or cannot circulate.

The body becomes more susceptible to disease and disregulation.

So why is mouth breathing an issue?

These two energy channels, male and female are connected by your nose and coccyx.

♀️ The Feminine energy…
Originates on the right side of the coccyx and terminates at the left nostril.

♂️ The Masculine energy…
Originates on the left side of the coccyx and terminates in the right nostril

As these energies rise around the spine they are believed to criss cross.

This is the meaning behind the caduceus used by modern medicine.

It is the rising of energy from the base to the top.

Symbolizing the Kundalini awakening experience.


In your nose, there are these little fine hairs.

They’re called cilia.

These hairs are antennae receptors that monitoring for information.

It could be:

➥ Flow
➥ Light
➥ Vibrations
➥ Hormones
➥ Movement
➥ etc.

As the breathe pulls in pranic energy through the nose.

It becomes polarized, either positively and negatively.

Depending on which nostril the air flow enters.

The Yogic systems refers to these two energy channels as Ida and Pingala.

IDA — Left Nostril — Feminine

This is your feminine energy channel, activated by the left nostril.

This cilia lining this nostril creates a negative charge for the Prana coming through it.

Breathing only through this nostril promotes a receptive and cooling mood.

Feminine in nature.

This energy is governed by the energy of the earth and lower half of the body, back and left side

Ida breathing also stimulates the astral (emotional) body.

As well as amplifies the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system.

PINAGALA — Right Nostril — Masculine

This is your masculine energy channel and comes through the right nostril.

The cilia here creates a positive charge that invokes clarity and creates vision.

This energy coming through here stimulates your mental body and is the energy of the sun.

It governs the top half of the body, front and right side, bringing light and warmth.

It also amplifies the sympathetic nervous system.

Both of these energy channels tend to become active and open depending on different times of day.

Some even use their knowledge of these channels.

To enhance themselves.

They do this by blocking one nostril and energy flow.

In order to favor and draw in more energy through the other nostril.

For the activity they’re working on.


So when you breathe through the mouth, you are short circuiting the process.

The Pranic force is coming in but not properly channeled and therefore…

You are not properly charged.

This is a form of breath dysfunction.

Mouth breathing creates a number of problems:

➥ Reduced oxygen delivery to blood cells
➥ Respiratory infections
➥ Bronchoconstriction

As well as the commonly seen facial deformities.

There are technical ways of explaining this…

Like the breath is not getting filled with nitric oxide from the sinuses and other details.

But in my opinion…

The Yogis put it simply…

The energy is not properly energized and distributed.

All in all…

Mouth breathing prevents essential biological processes from taking place.

Robbing the body of its vitality and immune functions.

This is why…

Mouth breathers tend to be lethargic or sick looking.

It’s energy imbalance.

What are some signs your breathing may be off?

➥ Sighing
➥ Breath holding
➥ Frequent Yawning
➥ Shallow Breathing
➥ Upper Respiratory breathing

This can usually indicated a need for improved breathing patterns.

If this is you…

It’s worth picking up the ball from here and investigating more

Why are you breathing this way?

Is it sinus issues?

Learned behaviors?


Repressed emotions?

Could be a million things…

Figure it out.

Find your breath.

Written by : Jamal

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