Spiritual Math Pt. 2 – The Secrets to 3, 6, 9

By Published On: May 29, 2024

Nikola Tesla knew the secrets to 3,6, and 9.

After reading this post. You will too.

You won’t look at numbers the same after this.

I promise…

This is part two, of my spiritual math series.

Catch up on Part 1 here

So now that we’ve explored the sine wave and know how that makes up the fabric of reality.

Let’s put that concept on the back burner for a second.

So that we can get a grasp on numbers.

This is a significant concept because there are so many patterns of numbers that we see, but never really grasp.

Like the number 7

Ever notice that there is….

➥ 7 days in a week
➥ 7 colors in a rainbow
➥ 7 notes in an octave
➥ 7 classical planets
➥ 7 heavens in the bible
➥ God created the world in 7 days, but really…6
➥ 7 continents
➥ 7 wonders of the ancient world
➥ 7 chakras main chakras in the body
➥ 7 endocrine glands in the human body

Well, there is a reason for this.

Although, I won’t claim to know the exact reason.

I do want to attempt to highlight the patterns… and this is where the pattern of 3, 6 and 9 comes in.

There’s a few things we’re going to touch on for this.

7️⃣ | THE NUMBER 9

Let’s begin…


What I’m going to show you, is that when you work numbers in a certain way.

You’ll notice that the numbers 3, 6 and 9 behave differently than the rest.

Specifically the number 9.

It is believed that the odd behavior of these numbers when compared to the others represents a fingerprint of some sort.

It’s the idea of God, or the spirit world manifesting itself through numbers.

And as we’ll explore in a bit…

It seems that the numbers 3, 6, and 9 show us the pathway that energy and information uses to manifest form the physical.

The other numbers seem to be governed by these 3 numbers.

In John Keely’s summarized work, “Keely’s Laws of Being” he believed that the vibrations of thirds sixths and ninths were extraordinarily powerful.

He proved that vibratory thirds were thousands of times more powerful in separating hydrogen from oxygen than heat.

Either way…

These numbers are significant. They are almost like a portal to the spiritual dimensions.

So how does it work?


This is where we are going to get started with the math parts.

Be warned, this post is going to be a whole lot of numbers…

It’s all simple math so it shouldn’t be too difficult to digest.

The first thing you’ll need to know how to do before unlocking the mystery of these numbers.

Is how to find the digital root.

The digital root is a process used by Pythagoreus and those before him, but what it does is converts large numbers into single digits.

It’s a simplification process.

You’ll notice that the universe works in this way.

As above, so below.

The infinitely complex, can always be reduced to the infinitely simple.

The numbers between 1 and 9.

Numerology, Astrology, iChing, Human Design, etc.

These are all more complex deviations from the patterns of numbers.

So how do we find the digital root?

What you do is take any number, and add all the digits together.

If the sum of these digits is more than one single digit, do it again until you get a single digit.

That is called finding the digital root or digital sum.

For example….

  • Take the number 1728
  • You would then do… 1+7+2+8 which gives 18.
  • Since this is two digits, we add them together again… 1+8
  • Which then gives us the digital root, the number 9

Simple right?

Now that we know how to find the digital root…


Let’s start with first anomaly you see where the numbers 3, 6, and 9 start to show themselves.

What we’re going to do, is take the standard multiplication table.

The one you used as a kid…

But instead of leaving it as is, we’re going to take all the results and find the digital root of them.

If 8×8 is 64, we will replace that value with the digital root.

64 = 6 + 4 = 10 = 1

or 9×9 is 81 and 8+1 = 9

Once you do that, you have this….

Can you see the patterns emerging?

It’s almost like the numbers 3, 6 and 9 providing the scaffolding.

The crystalline structure of the whole square.

Perfect in repetition, coherent in pattern.

But there’s more…

⚡ Each row or column will add up to 9 when adding all the numbers.

⚡ Each group of 4 white boxes will add up to 9

⚡ The 3,6,9 numbers for what looks like a grid-work, or structure of the whole thing

⚡ All groups of 2 add to 3, 6 or 9

⚡ If you cut the image diagonally, you’ll notice that the numbers are a mirror image flip of the other side

⚡ Notice that from the center where ther are 7’s and 2’s. Spinning outwards the numbers go clockwise in one direction and counter clockwise in the other. The masculine and feminine spin.

Did you notice that if you remove the row and column of 9’s you’re left with 64 squares?

Which matches the iChing diagram…

Now, let’s explore the next phenomena.


Did you ever notice your computer hard drives always come in standard values?

Like there’s no 322 GB hard drive.

It’s always 125 GB, 256GB, 512GB and so on.

This is because computers use a binary code, 0’s and 1’s.

That’s how they process information. Storage and processors using a doubling sequence.

But it’s not a limitation of computers.

Reality is based off of duality too, right?

So there is a significance to the idea of the patterns that emerge when doubling numbers.

What happens when you do?

Let’s look at the original sequence first…

1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536,

Then we change this to digital root numbers

1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 7…

This pattern continues to repeat until infinity.

Notice something missing?

The numbers, 3, 6 and 9 are nowhere to be found.

Try it as many times as you like. You wont see it.

Now if you take the same method and double numbers starting from 3.

Notice only 3,6 repeat.

First we’ll take the regular numbers

3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, 384, 768

The digital root of this sequence becomes

3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 6, 3

On and on.

What if we look at the results from multiplying 3, 6 or 9 by all the numbers?

Only 3, 6 and 9 appear.

They are self contained.

It gives you the vibe that these numbers are more harmonized than the others.

They are infectious in a way because once you multiply or involve them with the others.

You’ll only get 3, 6 or 9 back out.

This is the clue…

Because 3,6 and 9 are believed to be the mathematical signs of higher dimensional energy influencing the sequencing energy of the other 6 numbers.

The numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 represent the already manifested ingredients of the material realm.

The structure of all things material is dependent on the sequence / pattern force takes via the 3, 6, 9 conduits.

This pattern also exists for exponents.

I feel like an infomercial salesmen…




We see a similar pattern with the fibonacci sequence.

Which is a sequence of numbers you get by taking each number and adding the one before it.

More on why this sequence is important in a later post.

But it looks like…

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 , 21, 34 , 55, 98

Now if you were to multiply the numbers starting from the beginning to any point you desire it will only equal 3, 6, or 9.

1* 1 * 2 * 3 * 5 = 30 = 3
1* 1 * 2 * 3 * 5 * 8 * 13= 3120 = 6
1* 1 * 2 * 3 * 5 * 8 * 13 * 21 * 34 = 2,227,680 = 27 = 9

This is inescapable for the entire pattern.

Odd right?

3, 6, and 9 seem to again, have some governing quality in the output of this sequence.


Now that you’ve seen the mystery 3, 6, 9 and how it repeats itself and dominates compared to other numbers.

What other interesting things exist about them?

The diameter of the sun, moon and earth are all 9 related.

➥ MOON = 2,160 miles (2+1+6=9)
➥ SUN = 864,000 miles (8+6+4=18 and 8+1= 9)
➥ EARTH = 7,920 miles (7+9+2=18 and 1+8=9)

The solfeggio frequencies, which I’ll be digging into in one of the next posts are all 3,6 or 9.

➥ 174Hz (1+7+4 = 12 = 3)
➥ 285 Hz (2+8+5 = 15 = 6)
➥ 396 Hz (3 + 9 + 6 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9)
➥ 417 Hz (4 + 1 + 7 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3)
➥ 528 Hz (5 + 2 + 8 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6)
➥ 639 Hz (6 + 3 + 9 = 18 + 1 + 8 = 9)
➥ 741 Hz (7+4+1 = 12 = 3 )
➥ 852 Hz (8 + 5 + 2 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6)
➥ 963 Hz (9 + 6 + 3 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9)

The angel numbers all are 3, 6 or 9

➥ 111 = 3
➥ 222 = 6
➥ 333 = 9
➥ 444 = 12 = 3
➥ 555 = 15 = 6
➥ 666 = 18 = 9
➥ 777 = 21 = 3
➥ 888 = 24 = 6
➥ 999 = 27 = 9


➥ A day has 24 hours 2+4=6
➥ An hour has 60 minutes 6+0=6
➥ An minute has 60 seconds 6+0=6
➥ A day includes 86,400 seconds = 9
➥ Hour contains 3600 seconds = 9
➥ Month contains 2592000 seconds = 9
➥ Year contains 31,104,000 seconds = 9
➥ 1,440 minutes in a day = 9
➥ 10,080 minutes in a week = 9

The sum of the angles for each of the platonic solids and other shapes

➥ Triangle — 180° = 9
➥ Circle — 360° = 9
➥ Square — 360° = 9
➥ Pentagon — 540° = 9
➥ Tetrahedron — 720° = 9
➥ Hexahedron — 720° = 9
➥ Octahedron — 1440° = 9
➥ Dodecahedron — 2520° = 9
➥ Icosahedron — 3600° = 9

Other random patterns

➥ Speed of light is 168,282 miles per second. 1+6+8+2+8+2 = 27 = 9
➥ A human baby is born in 9 months
➥ Human body is made up of 9 major organ systems
➥ 9 planets in the solar system (we’re still counting Pluto right? …or maybe Nibiru?)


The number 9 is the most significant of the whole number sequence.

It represents completion and it is both the equivalent of all of the numbers, and none of them.

9 is associated with completion and spiritual growth. It represents the culmination of a cycle.

While 3 and 6 govern the masculine and feminine sides of the number sequence.

9 governs them both.

9 is the master number. The singularity. The God point.

Notice all multiples of 9 equal 9?

9×1 = 9
9×2 = 18 = 9
9×3 = 27 = 9
9×4 = 36 = 9
9×5 = 45 = 9
9×6 = 52 = 9
9×7 = 63 = 9
9×8 = 72 = 9
9×9 = 81 = 9

You can think of this as the energy is manifesting in a linear way out of the nucleus of every atom and out from the singularity.

It is perfection and always equals itself.

3 and 6 always occur in pairs and with them. The middle point, 9 always occurs as well.

The Holy Trinity.

The masculine, the feminine, and the zero point (God).

We could say that all electrons are spinning musically and vibrating harmonically according to the 9 core frequencies.

These are found in the solfeggio sequence, Pi, Phi, sacred geometry, laws of physics and so on.

Here’s another interesting phenomena with the number 9.

It’s called casting out 9’s.

If you are trying to find the digital root of any number.

You can remove the 9 or any sets of numbers that add up to 9 to find the digital root quicker.



We can remove the 9 and the 4+5 which also equals 9.

This leaves 4+8+7 = 19 + 10 = 1

Which is the same as

4+5+9+4+8+7 = 37 = 10 = 1

In this example, the number 9 functions almost like a zero.

It represents nothing.

Another thing….

If you add up all the base numbers, except for 9. You will get 9.

It represents everything

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = 36 = 3+6 = 9

Can you see how 9 acts like it’s both nothing and everything at the same time?

Building on that. If you take any number and substitute 9 for 0.

It does not effect the digital root… at all.

Let’s take 4037

4+0+3+7 = 14 = 5

Now let’s substitute the 0 for 9

4+9+3+7 = 23 = 5

Wild right?

Again, we see that 0 and 9 work identically.

Also, if you add 9 to any digit it returns the same digit.

The 9 disappears in a way.

9+6 = 15 = 1+5 = 6

9+8 = 17 = 8

Nine paradoxically equals all the digits… 36

But also none of them. 0

It’s a paradox that is almost God like.

The way it’s able to dominate in some ways and represent everything, but also represent nothing.

Here’s the last thing you can do with 9.

If you take the divine shape, a circle which is 360 degrees and the digital sum is 9.

The digital sum will remain 9 no matter how many times you cut the circle in half.


And again…

They all have a digital root of 9

Pretty incredible right?

9 is no doubt powerful.

Walter Russell proposed that in physical creation there were 9 octaves of creation.

These were:

1. Octave 1 | Ether — Fundamental substrate, the cosmic energy field that permeates all of space

2. Octave 2 | Gaseous — This includes the lighter gases found in the atmospheres of planets

3. Octave 3 | Plasma — The includes ionized gases like those found in stars.

4. Octave 4 | Interatomic — Involves the interactions between atoms and represents the transition from the gaseous to the solid state

5. Octave 5 | Atomic — This is when individual atoms become more stable and distinct

6. Octave 6 | Molecular — Atoms combine to form molecules and involves their interactions to create more complex structures

7. Octave 7 | Crystalline — Molecules begin to organize into crystalline structures

8. Octave 8 | Atomic/Metallic — Atoms begin to take on metallic properties and involves the organization of atoms into metals.

9. Octave 9 | Gaseous — Represents higher vibrational frequencies of matter. Matter in these octaves is described as extremely rarified.

Now that we know the beginning of the power of 3, 6 and 9…


What does this all mean?

I don’t think anyone knows exactly, but if there is one thing for sure.

The pattern is clear and for some reason the numbers 3, 6 and 9 have power and significance to them.

They don’t function like the other numbers at a basic level and a lot of the harmonious things about life seem to be associated with these numbers.

Whether it’s solfeggio frequencies or the platonic solids.

Things that align with these numbers are likely more beneficial to us than the rest.

What does this mean about wifi frequencies, electricity, house designs and most of the modern world?

If we were to adjust how we design these things to somehow incorporate the significance of these numbers.

Would there be a benefit?

My belief is absolutely.

I think this is what the ancients knew and this was a part of how their cultures appeared to be so far advanced.

They understood something about numbers that we have yet to rediscover.

Their acoustics were profound.

Their astronomy was prophetic.

What did they know that we don’t… with all of our technology?

Is it the power of numbers, and 3, 6 and 9?

Can these numbers help in manifestation, like the 3, 6, 9 manifestation method?

If you do things in multiples of 3, 6 or 9.

Would it make a difference?

The best way you can find an answer, is to experiment with it yourself.

Take this and run with it.

Find practical ways to incorporate 3, 6 and 9 into your life.

Thanks for reading.

See you on Part 3.

Written by : Jamal

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