Know Your Water Pt. 2 – Water’s Lifecycle

By Published On: May 29, 2024

My last article…

Was a deep dive into the consciousness of water.

Wherever you stand on the answer.

One thing is important… And that is taking care of your water. I’m going to cover what I find the most important aspects to take care of your water, and what is water’s lifecycle.

Here’s some things we’re gonna touch on…





Here…. we go.

1 | The Lifecycle of Water

In nature, water is constantly moving. Spiraling down the mountain sides, bouncing off the river bends… Flushing through water falls… Until it settles in lakes and oceans. Where it sits, waiting to evaporate… And start the process all over again.

This cycle…

Is what brings life.

The water is constantly moving and spinning. That spiral motion is the secret to the the life.

What it does…

Is it concentrates the energy inward to create coherence in the molecules. Similar to how meditation works for your body. As it barrels down the mountain sides…

It rubs against rocks and other elements which mineralize the water and filter it. This clockwise and counter clockwise spin is known as vortex energy. It’s the fundamental of how all matter is formed.

This vortexing motion…

Is a continuous process of bringing life to the water. The vortex causes the water to slightly heat and cool. Causing an exchange of masculine and feminine energies. Once water has gone through this process. Either through nature or done at home. It’s referred to as “structured water”.

Now that we understand a little about vortex energy and water…

Instead of going through this whole process I’m about to outline. The best water you can drink is spring water. If you can get it, seek that out first.

There’s a website… “Find A Spring”

Look it up to find one near you.

2 | Filtering Water


The first step to clean water is filtering.

Referencing the lifecycle image above…

The first thing that happens after rainfall. Is that the water runs down the mountain, stripping away water impurities. Until it finds some sort of reservoir. The sediments then sink to the bottom and the water filters through the ground. Or overflows back down the mountain

What you need to do first with water is get out the junk.

There are many ways to do this.

It usually happens through a filter that contains certain minerals.


➥ Charcoal

➥ Gravel

➥ Sand

➥ Zeolite

➥ Ceramic

You can build a DIY filter like this…

With the goal of mixing large and fine stones together in layers. You can think of the first step as stripping away the physical impurities.

Everything that you can see.

The next step…

Is purifying the stuff you can’t see.

3 | Purifying Water

When filtering water.

Charcoal filters and other kinds are effective at removing most things…

But it still doesn’t address the deeper problems.

Things like:

➥ Fluoride

➥ Estrogens

➥ Micro-plastics

➥ Other chemicals

These are the things you want to take care of when purifying your water. There are many techniques. And each technique has a tradeoff.

Distilled water for example is one of the most effective and removes almost everything.

But that includes the good stuff.

Like the electrolytes.

The minerals you need to have in your water.

Some purification methods…

Are going to cover both steps 1 and 2. Like distilling water, or Reverse Osmosis.

Others methods…

Attack specific problems.

Like a Fluoride filter for example.

When designing your ideal water setup. Aim for both what is the simplest, with the least amount of tradeoffs. The best setup. Is one that mimics nature. Rather than chemical or other methods.

4 | Structuring your water

Once your water is filtered and purified. It’s at the base state for what you would want to consume.

This means the water you drink, cook with, shower with and so on.

But beyond purified and filtered water, there is structured water. Which brings the life force back. Through the vortex motion mentioned before.

I’m gonna do a more in depth writeup on structured water. Because there are several techniques

But, without this stage, you’re essentially drinking dead water. It’s like eating processed foods.

It fills the body…

But the life is missing.

When it comes to structured water. The best you can get.

Is fruits.

This is highly refined structured water…

Packed with all the nutrients to go with it. Right behind that is spring water recently captured from your local spring. After that there are the manual methods you can do at home to restore the life to your water.

Which I’ll cover next time.

Beyond these three steps, there’s alkaline water.

Which is valuable in it’s own right.

Especially when treating an overly acidic system.

But for this article…

I just want to cover the most important principles when designing your water system.

That’s all for this one.

Look out for a a thread soon focused on structured water. And in the mean time…

Check out other great minds who have a lot to share about water.

Gerald Pollack

Veda Austin

Isabel Friend

Viktor Schauberger

Written by : Jamal

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