Do you know how consciousness evolves?

By Published On: May 29, 2024

It’s a dance of light and sound.

Here’s how we’re currently programming our future.

Light is the father of the universe.

Sound is the mother.

Together, they program reality.

Do you know why so many people are “waking up” right now?

It’s because there are more programmers than before.

You see…

The main tool for programming, was the television.

It uses lights and sounds to make you feel emotions and adopt beliefs.

Whether through news, movies, etc.


With short video on many platforms.

Everyone is leveling up so quickly because we are all programming each other.

It’s no longer a small group programming the masses.

We’re all learning and teaching each other more than before.

One person reading a book who distills it into a video.

Has a similar effect on the collective consciousness as if all 1000 viewers also read the book.

Then add in…

Viral songs, viral dances… over and over and over.

It creates the repetition and emotion needed to allow new ideas to sink.

It’s a “magical” process.

We all recognize the eery soundtrack of a conspiracy video.

Or the perky sound track of a 60 second informational video.

These are equivalents of mantras, or jingles used in advertising and so on.

When you combine a viral song/dance with a data point.


“Your food is poisoning you…”

The message really sinks in.

I think… that if you read between the lines.

This is an impulse to restore tribal behavior in a modern way.

People are collectively taking part in:

➥ Song
➥ Dance
➥ Rituals
➥ Communities

The mix between these fundamental behaviors and the abundance of information we have today…

You have the Kundalini effect.

Where consciousness is rising faster and faster as those who move forward…

Now have the tools to bring others with them.

Written by : Jamal

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