Know Your Water Pt. 3 – Structured Water

By Published On: May 29, 2024

If you’ve been following my articles recently… I’ve been going on a deep dive of water.

The consciousness of water, the water lifecycle…

And now…

It’s time for structured water.

Topics for this article.






No time to waste… Let’s get right into it.


It goes by many names.

➥ Structured water

➥ Hexagonal water

➥ H302

➥ Vortex water

Most of these names…

Are referring to the chemical composition of the water molecules.

Structured water…

Is a specific arrangement of water molecules that make up the water. Each set of water molecules consistently link together In a group of 6, to form a ring like structure. This is where the term “Hexagonal Water” comes from. Because it takes the shape of a hexagon.

All water contains a certain amount of these hexagonal groups. It’s always in flux. The higher the amount of these…

The more structured the water.


When we’re talking about the hexagonal structure of water. Essentially we’re thinking about the coherence of the water.

How well does it work together.

The key thing to realize here, is in nature.

Water never moves in straight lines. The constant motion of moving through and around substances is what adds energy to the water. Movement and motion is energy.

When you think of water that isn’t in motion..

You have a swamp.

Unsafe to drink and the water has little energy.

I’ll give you an example. Think of a lightbulb.

It has energy, but it’s not focused.

So it scatters light all around the room. But a laser, this is coherent light. All of it’s energy is focused and concentrated while working together to form the beam.

This example works for water just like it works for your consciousness. Structured water is coherent and because of that, it has more life in it and brings more energy to your body.


Why is structured water beneficial? Well… It’s actually how the water in your body is used. When you drink unstructured water… Your body has to spend energy. To increase the coherence and organization of the water so you can process it. So the energy you gain from drinking water… You spend it right back in trying to structure it. When you consume structured water… It is able to pass through the cell walls much easier and enhance metabolic activity… Among other things. Same thing with fruits. They contain highly ordered structured water.

So eating a watermelon…

Is a ton more hydrating than drinking a glass of your favorite tap water.

It is said, that structured water can lead to:

➥ Weight loss

➥ Greater energy

➥ Rapid hydration

➥ Better nutrient absorption

➥ Heightened Immune Function


There are many ways to structure water, and it feels like every time I do research. I find new ones. But, first and foremost.

The best methods are the ones that nature creates.

Which is spring water, and fruits.

After that…

Here are some other methods.

☞ CHEMISTRY — — — — — —

Certain ions, when they’re added to water. They will increase its structure. Some examples are: Calcium, Sodium, Zinc, Iron, Silver, Copper

☞ VORTEX — — — — — —

When water runs through the vortex motion as mentioned in previous posts. It creates structured water. The vortex motion restores the life force to water and creates the coherence.

☞MAGNETIZATION — — — — — —

Water can be structured by running it through a magnetic field. With a series of N and S facing magnets aligned to a pipe, water can also be structured.

☞ ELECTROLYSIS — — — — — —

Electricity can also be used to change the state of water and structure it. This is my least favorite of the options… As I prefer the more natural and least invasive approaches.

☞ TEMPERATURE — — — — — —

If you bring water to extremely cold temperatures. This will also structure water. The problem is… the water is then frozen. As it unfreezes it begins to lose it’s structure. So this isn’t to practical for your drinking water purposes.

☞ ENTRAINMENT — — — — — —

When it comes to energy and frequency. There is something that happens called entrainment. Which is the process of use one substance to change the state of another. This can happen when you bring an extremely high frequency version of structured water in contact with regular water. The higher frequency object will life the lower frequency one. This is what happens when structured water comes into proximity with unstructured.

☞ INTENTION — — — — — —

All is mental, and of course. You can structure water with your intention as well. Your mileage may vary and this is going to be something each person learns for themselves. But through this method, it is possible.

☞ SUN — — — — — —

Exposing water to sunlight for a period of time in the day is also said to structure water.

☞ ENERGY DEVICES — — — — — —

There are various energy devices on the market, From Orgonite, to tensor rings and other quantum field things. Many of these also have the capability of structuring water.


The biggest argument against structured water…

Are from people still catching up to the industry.

It’s still a new field and the ways to measure the structure of water are new and varied.

However, one thing is for certain…

It’s much easier to examine the biological effects of structured water on living things…

Than debate whether it exists or not. You can go browsing for yourself and you’ll find. Structured water has been shown to have profound effects on plant growth.

➢ Larger pants

➢ Quicker growth

➢ Deeper root systems

➢ Larger fruits and vegetables

It’s not just plant growth. It affects your blood too.

From what I have now covered about water in this article and previous ones…

It’s consciousness…

It’s memory…

It seems that it’s possible for water to have a level of vitality as well.

That can be destroyed, whether it is in your tap water systems. Moving along un-natural, right angled pipes.

Or improved…

Through implosion, and other techniques.

I think the discovery of water.

Is a personal journey.

That everyone should embark on.

If each one of us…

Becomes conscious observers.

Of the impact of water on:

➣ Our pets

➣ Our foods

➣ Ourselves

➣ Our plants

➣ Our society Maybe…

We’ll be able to rapidly shift ourselves off of this doom spiral. That humanity is headed on.

No Water

No Life

Know Water

Know Life

Written by : Jamal

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