Limit malfunctions

By Published On: August 29, 2024

How often do you experience…

Limit malfunctions?

This might be a dated concept, since robots are high tech now.

But think of an old school robot.

When it malfunctions

Do you remember how it would behave?

Performing all this erratic behavior…

Spinning in circles.

Mindless beep-boop’s.

Smoke out the ears.

That visual right there is what I mean by…

Limit malfunctions.

Everyone has them.

I came across this lesson last week while photographing a kids tennis tournament.

Just like basic robots…

Kids can malfunction very quickly, especially when in a sports competition.

The reason is because the competition creates a heightened amount of pressure.

That is beyond their normal range of daily activities.

Which means… they’re pushed to their limits.

When the limit is reached, you witness the limit malfunction.

There are three components to a limit malfunction

1. Identity
2. Trigger
3. Limit

But before I dig into those.

I will simply clarify a limit malfunction as…

“The change in identity you make when your perceived limit has been reached.”

Let’s say you’re driving along the road commuting home.

Some of the characteristics of your identity might be…

➥ Tired
➥ Calm
➥ Low energy

Now… let’s say someone cuts you off in traffic.

Beep-boop. 🚨

Limit malfunction. 🆘

Now you’re going to transform into this…

Road-raging, finger flipping asshole ready to risk it all.

How did all of that happen so fast?

Let’s break it down.

First you had your identity, and part of that identity was low energy.

Meaning that… you were close to your limit.

Although calm, you’re like an weapon. The minute the trigger is pulled, you’re ready to shoot.

This is the moment someone cut you off in traffic. In your mind, you’ve created a certain set of conditions that say…

“If I’m low energy, and X happens”

Then I will change identity into Road Raging Rambo”

The reason you malfunctioned is because you programmed yourself to do so.

If there are any coders reading this…

You’ll recognize it’s literally like a program.

A simple “If, this, then this” statement.

The limit you defined is low energy, plus the additional variables.

You also defined the trigger that was needed…

And what you would become if the limit was reached.

If we painted this scenario another way…

With the same conditions but a different trigger.

We’d see another limit malfunction

Imagine if there was someone on the side of the road handing out $1,000.

Even tho you were low energy, the trigger is different.

Instead of spawning Road Rage Rambo.

You’d change your identity Happy Henry and had a wonderful car ride home.

This is another limit you’ve defined.

“If I’m feeling low energy, and something spontaneous, novel, etc happens”

I’ll allow myself to be happy.

You’ve defined happiness not as the default state, but the state of malfunction.

This simple recipe right here…

Will allow you to go deep in understanding the problems of others.

➥ Road rage
➥ Crimes
➥ Personality behaviors

These are all limit malfunctions.

You have programmed yourself into believing…

That when certain pressure conditions are present.

You need to change state.

When you think about it…

It’s like a chemical reaction.

With certain pressure…

Some people will harden up, changing from liquid to solid.

Others will loosen up, changing from liquid to gas.

We all react to pressure differently.

When you look at the world right now and you want to judge.

➥ The women selling their bodies online
➥ The men who aren’t tough
➥ The criminals destroying cities.

Separate from the desire to judge and shift to the desire to understand.

These are limit malfunctions.

Most people are reaching limits the world has never experienced before.

And it’s creating pressure within them that causes them to change identity.

While it’s happening on an individual level.

It’s also a societal shift too.

Because cities, countries, and the planet follow the same coding.

Right now…

The planet is having a limit malfunction.

With countless triggers popping off everywhere in the system.

Which is now forcing a change in state.

The pressure for:

➥ Authenticity is now competing with the pressure to survive
➥ War is competing with the pressure for peace
➥ Freedom is competing with the pressure for control
➥ Status is no competing with the pressure for justice

Many are no longer willing to turn a blind eye to the worlds problem.

Walking around with luxury items that were produced with slave labor.

This triggers them.

The injustice around the world… triggers them.

The global suffering…. triggers them.

And thus… we have a limit malfunction.

Everyone processes their limit malfunction differently.

Some are out their building farms.

Some are out their robbing stores.

These groups are more similar than you think.

They are both triggered by the same force.

And they are solving the problem in contrasting ways.

Overstand that both are appropriate.

In nature we have the constructive force and deconstructive force.

Those out their building farms and local groups, are constructing the new identity.

Those out there robbing stores, are deconstructing the old identity.

In your life…

It’s very likely, that you have imprisoned yourself on your own volition.

Whether you feel depressed, anxious, or lack of joy.

It boils down to this formula.

You’ve set certain conditions on when you’ll allow yourself to change state.

You don’t experience happiness… because you don’t allow yourself to.

Your definitions say you’re happy when:

➥ You buy a new material item
➥ You’re a part of a new experience, like a vacation
➥ When someone does something for you.

These should be infrequent occurrences….

You put the bar on happiness so high.

Of course you’re miserable.

Imagine if you lowered the bar on happiness and said…

I’m happy when:

➥ I’m out in nature
➥ I’m watching the sunset
➥ I’m sitting in silence

If you lowered the bar on happiness… you could overdose on that shit.

Because you changed the limit malfunctions.

Do you now see why kids are so happy all the time?

Their bar on happiness hasn’t inflated to where yours is yet.

They can only define when they are unhappy…

Which is when they are uncomfortable.

You are also unhappy when you are uncomfortable.

But this is where you set the bar really low.

➥ Opposing opinions
➥ Patience
➥ Struggle

You’ve made the list of things that make you uncomfortable…

Look like an all you can eat buffet.

But on the things that make you happy…

It’s rations.

Life is a movie and you are the director.

Quit writing yourself shitty scenes

If you reduce the things that make you uncomfortable…

And increase the things that make you happy.

You eliminate many of the ways you…


Written by : Jamal

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